Sunday, July 6, 2014

That Is Some Good Looking Dirt

Apparently I am not meant to do anything except build houses on this trip because I did it again yesterday. I was hoping to goto Didasko but once again many di not want to build, so I just go where I feel God wants me to be each day, even if it is not where I want to go. Don't worry Steve and Janet I will be taking your gifts to our girls Thursday when we do the medical center there.

Our build yesterday was in the La Tigre rainforest, it was beautiful! I hope the picture will help show you the beauty of where we were. Over the past few days I had worked with a man named Eric on a few hole digs and somehow we always hit the hardest hole, you know the ones with rock, clay, etc. So we pulled up to the site and the first words out of his mouth were "Guys, thats some good looking dirt today!". It was much nicer dirt then the past few days but Eric and I still managed to get one that was a bit clay like, haha. Our group at the build did such a great job yesterday and everything went very smooth. By about noon we had three walls up and were starting on the roof and floor but we decided to break for lunch. During lunch I ate with an older gentalman who had walked a long way to sit and watch us work. I gave him my manderian oranges and his face justblit up, I wish you all could have seen it, he was just adorable.

After lunch we went back to work finishing the floor, roof, and the last wall. We had a little boy helping us with the floor yesterday named Jose, he was so adorable and worked so hard all day long. He was also a bit like a shadow to Katie watching every little thing that she did on the build site. Around 1:13 we drove the last nail into the house.

Devo last nigt was amazing! Eric spoke to us about having faith in being obedient. He spoke about Abrahm when God told him to pack up and leave his homeland to goto where ever God lead him to. He hadbus think about that for a moment, Abrahm simply trusted God and was obedient to give up all he had and follow God.

 The build site.

 Christian and I

 Putting up a wall

 Onita, the girl in the pink is such an amazing house builder!

 Scott and Eric working on the roof

 Laying on the tin.

 Katie and her shadow

 Jose and his work belt

 Taylor cutting out the door.

 Our bus driver watching us work.

 Scott doing his thing, he truely is an amazing man 
I wish my pictures gave him more justice!

 Nailing in the final boards.

 The family we built for and Miss Pattie whoes son had raised the money for this house.

 Our crew with the finished project.

 This man walked so far simply to sit and watch us work. 
He told us he has no family and when he saw our bus he just wanted to sit and be with us for the day.

 The boys enjoying the finished product.

Le Glerts is BACK!!

For those of you who do not know Scott and 
I are the spade champs from last year, our team name was le glerts. 
We enjoyed playing some carda together again last night.

 My forever teammate Scott with a grin on his face.

Antonio and I

For those of you who do not know this boy he use to live at the Santa 
Ana orphanage with his brothers but now they are all back with their mother. I have known this boy since he was a tiny baby!

1 comment:

  1. Thats cute, Scott with his poker face and you covering up yours. ohhh btw, Im commenting as anonymous cause I dont know what those other things are LOL Ethel
