Saturday, July 6, 2013

Please Post

Our first day of work is finished! But, welcome to Honduras our plans did not go exactly as planned today. We were suppose to go to Hospital Escuala, to the peace monument for lunch, and then to the blind school. Well, it is hard to go to the blind school when they are on vacation, so hopefully we will be able to do that next Friday. Instead today we visited the hospital in the morning,  went to lunch, and then went back to the hospital for a second visiting session.

When we arrived at the hospital Jenna, one of our translators, became a mini movie star. A few news cameras were at the hospital and asked Jenna some questions about why we are in Honduras.

After the news cameras left we were able to break up into our 3 teams to visit different areas of the hospital. We had one group go to the materinity wing. This  group handed out bags filled with food, a baby outfit, and hygene products to the new mothers. Also a quick shout out to Walmart for helping to make this possible and donating all the bags.

My group went to the second floor during the morning visit. I spent the majority of my two hours playing with a little boy named Malcom. He is 8 years old and hs been in the hospital 6 days due to stomach problems. The smile on this childs face was amazing, he just lit up the room. We spent our time coloring (this child is an expert colorer), playing with cars, semi talking, and playing with this little frog hop toy. I wish that each of you could have been there to see the joy on Malcoms face while we were playing, the pictures do not do it any justice!

At about noon we went to the peace monument for lunch. For those of you who do not know much about Honduras they have been in 1 war during their existance. This war was with El Salvador, and as the story goes the war began over a soccer game, lasted 3 days, and then simply ended. Both countries have different views as to who "won" this war. Any way the peace monument was put up after the war.

After a quick group photo it was back to the hospital. My group again went to the second floor, but a different section. This time I spent my time with a boy named Junior. Junior is 12 and had a broken bone in his leg, if I understood him right it was from playing soccer. He was such a smart boy, we talked amost the entire time, going back and forth saying words in spanih and english. At one point he started reading my shirt in English, I was blown away! My friend Josh then got out a Spanish/English Bible and we spent some time reading in the book of Psalms together.

I also was blessed to play with a 4 year old boy named Jesse for about 10 minutes. He was adorable and had a smile and laugh that would just melt the heart of anyone he meets!

Jeremy spoke again at devo tonight. He again was talking about the Power of One. Tonight he did a little bit of backtracking to the beginninging of the book of Ephiesians. He spoke on how we have the ability to be connected to this awesome power of God. We have the ability to have this power because of the ONE hope that Christ gave us by coming to this Earth and giving His life for our many sins. We need to look at ourselves and remember that we are part of the body of Christ and we have the access to this awesome power of God, all we have to do is follow Him during this life He has blessed us with.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome stories Randi. The kid with the coloring looked like you made his month, and the 3 day war had me laughing! Keep up the good work! Almost making me want to go! - Adam Sines
