Tuesday, June 23, 2015

No Hike In Mololoa???

Yesterday was our first official work day. The advance team broke off into three main sections today, all in Mololoa. The first group went to the feeding center, another went to the daycare, and the remaining 14 or so of us went to build a house. We were very lucky at the build site today...Mololoa is known for the long hike you have to take up the mountain. However today Mark had all of us pile into the back of the lumber truck and his truck. I felt very lucky as we rode up the mountain that I have climbed numerous times!

When we first arrived at the house build site we had to take down the old house. 

The house we tore down.

Lumber that we saved from the old house. 

It always is an eye opening experience when you go to a site where you take the house down before building a new one. This woman and her children were sleeping in a house that was held together by twigs, had rusted tin with holes all through it for a roof, and had no flooring. They slept in the same spot that we found 2 tarantulas and a scorpion. I am beyond thankful to know that her and her children were able to sleep on a floor up off the ground last night and for all the nights to come.  

Normas possessions. 

Another thing that was truly amazing today was the respect that everyone on the site showed for the belongings of Norma (the woman we build for). Every piece of wood, piece of tin, rock, etc that was found the team handed with care and took to a pile for it to be reused in the future on anything that they might choose to make with it. 

With the house tore down we were able to get to work!

This young guy never ceases to amaze me. And Robin don't worry he really did supervise for most of this house build. I caught him taking multiple breaks. :)

Jose is one of the local boys who came and helped us with the house build today.

....I mean he can't sit the entire time though.

 This little boy is one of Normas children. He was having so much fun using the scrap pieces of wood as a little race track for his cars!

The completed house. We began taking the old one down around 9:30am and by 2:00 this was standing where the old house stood. We were blessed with a very hardworking team today. 

Thank you all who help each of the members here get the funds to come or the funds to build. We would not be able to do the things we do each year without your support! You are just as much a part of this story as the members of TORCH working in Honduras. 


  1. Jennifer Trithart.June 23, 2015 at 8:14 AM

    I will second Robin. So very proud of all of you. Randi I love the pictures.

    1. I just wanted to let you know I haven't been able to post pictures of your girls because I have not worked with them yet. When I work with them I will be sure to take pictures to post of them for you!
