Sunday, June 29, 2014

Jurassic Park Without the Dinosaurs

Today was an easy day. We were able to sleep in, which for Tricky was waking up at 4:00 for coffee, I slept 
till about 6:00. We left for Mission Lazuras at about ten thirty, the drive out there was beautiful. We arrived just
in time for a delishious lunch, then we listened to Jared talk about how he began the mission, and finally some
of us got to go on a tour of the land which included the coffee fields! We loaded up trucks and landrovers, the
ride was quite bumpy! It was amazing to see the land, the mission has really grown since I was last there i n 2007.
A few people described the land as a Jurassic Park without the dinosaurs and I couldn't agree more. It was so
beautiful. At one point we walked through some of the coffee fields, thank goodness we had someone leading
the way, otherwise we would have gotten lost for sure! Then we got to see some of the equiptment that is used
to sort the good and bad coffee beans. We were then each given a fresh cup of coffe, I was a proud aunt seeing
Angel try coffee for the first time. However now I am not sure how she will drink normal coffee. 

After our tour we left for the hotel. We stopped for dinner at the mall again. Angel and I had pizza and the  I
got myself another frozen yogurt, not to worry I took a picture this time. Devo tonight was amazing. We began
by discussing people in the bible who have amazing obedience. Some of those we discussed included Daniel, 
Abraham, Job, Noah, Ester, etc. Then Wyatt discused how he would want to be obedient like the storm in Mark 4.
This is the story where Jesus was asleep on the boat and his disciples became afraid of the storm and woke Him.
Jesus simply said to be still and everything was quiet, his disciples replied in Mark 4:41 "Who is this that even
the wind and the seas obey Him."

Tomorrow we will be going back to Tegucigulpa after church in Agua Augria. I will continue blogging but the
internet at the missionhouse is not near as reliable as here so do not be surprised if I miss a few days.

 Morning Devo

 Don't worry about your kids, our drivers got this.

 Leather workers, the one on the bottom is only 15 but one of the best leather workers they have.

Coffee fields!

The man in charge of the coffee fields.

Tricky in his natural habitat.

 Coffee Beans

 I have converted my niece to be a coffee drinker!

 Amazing View

A town in Nicaragua 

The best frozen yogurt.

My roomies.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures and updates Randi! Sounds like great things are being done for God!
