Wednesday, July 8, 2015

A Day Less

The days in Costa Rica are very similar. Each day we have the same basic activities. Here is my basic schedule:

5:30 - Breakfast at Dennys

I stole this picture from Patty's blog, this is one of the choices we have for our breakfast each morning. 

Two parrots sitting outside yesterday morning. 

7:30 - Load the buses to leave for the church

8:30 - Devo at church

9:00-11:30 - Women's Bible Study (the men also meet at this time)

12:00 - Lunch

The food here is great and then we also have a great amount of servants who do the dishes after we eat!

12:45-4:00 - We break off into three groups

  • VBS group at the local orphanage 
  • Painting crew at the local orphanage
  • Door Knocking crew
 Practicing for the VBS skits

Getting the juice bags ready for VBS

5:00 - Dinner

6:30-8:00 - Gospel meeting 

Tim and Chase are an excellent speaking team. They swap back and forth between who is doing the Spanish and English, which is very difficult to do!

9:00 - Arrive back at the hotel and goto bed

I wish I had more pictures to share with you but sadly we are not able to take pictures of the kids at the orphanage because it is not safe for the kids pictures to be posted. I titled my blog today a day less because each day Christian, a member of the church here, reminds us that when the day ends it is a day less that we all have to serve Him. We are a day closer each day to going home and we are a day less to have an opportunity to bring more people to Christ. Don't waste any of the time that you are given. 

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