Sunday, July 29, 2012

New Discoveries

I always get really excited when I figure out something new. It doesn't matter what it is about new things just are always so wonderful! One of the greatest areas to find a new discovery has to be in God's Word! It can do such wonders in a persons life to read a section of the Bible and discover something new about the verse. It's great to know that you can think of new things that verses can mean as you grow on your walk with God and the more you learn the deeper and closer to God we become. I hope all this makes sense to ya'll as I ramble about it on this blog, I've never been a big speaker when it comes to devos and stuff like that, haha.

Any way sorry it has been so long but I have had a very busy weekend as you will see in the pictures to come, I hope you're excited!

Happy Birthday to me! I had a Mario theme B-day party with some friends and we dressed up!

On Saturday we went to the Zoo and bug got a tattoo of a turtle!

Emmett got one too!

Jaws! Look out!

We were lucky because a Kangaroo was close enough to pet, which hardly every happens!
Based on this face I'd say the zoo was a success!
I simply love this picture =] Tigers are one of my favorite animals!

It started raining but no worries we stayed dry!!

My handsome other nephew could not go to the Zoo but we were able to get ice cream on Sunday!
So good! A rootbeer shake and some black-raspberry ice cream!
My new discovery of sorts! I now make hair clips too! The littler ones are $4 and the animal ones are $7
Modeling a few of the creations!

I love these! I hope you do too!

I haven't made much jewelry this weekend but here are a few pairs I was able to do!

I hope you can go out and make some new discoveries of your own! Best of luck to you!!


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