Sunday, July 22, 2012

Peace, Love, and Pennies

I'm so excited with each passing day friends and family look more and more into my jewelry and I have already made back what I originally bought in beads plus some profit! I also have tons of beads left to continue creating! I am also looking into flee markets and other avenue of selling that hopefully will go well!
We always have my nephews on Sundays! It was great to have some one on one time with  Bug today!

Also don't forget to check out my ears! I'm wearing some of my jewelry!

Peace Love and Pennies! I made a pair of 2012 penny earrings for my brothers girlfriend and couldn't resist having the title of my blog post being peace, love, and pennies. =]

The penny earrings were 2012 pennies for the year of her little boys birth and the blue beads to show it was a boy. I also made her a matching necklace/bracelet that is used as a headband in the photo above!

My wonderful Aunt Rene got me these little baggies today to put my earrings in when people buy a pair!

So basically things are going splendid and I would like to thank all who have been supportive of this new project of mine! More to come in the near future! =]

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